George Bulow
Married Lucienne Carasso in June 1975
Children: Harris (1978) m. Heather Shanstrom May 2005
Judah (10) | Lila 7 | Charlotte (2)
Alessandra (1980)
Funny story:
I was very close to Mr. Phillips (History). As a naive teenager, I read Playboy's interview of Lennie Bruce. He said that he was arrested for using the ten-letter word for "fellatio". I didn't know what it meant, let alone how to pronounce it (I said: "fellat i-o"), so I asked Mr. Phillips what it meant. He said he didn't know! We trooped down the hallway to his colleague, Mr. Martin. (Martin was a graduate of the fundamentalist school, Bob Jones University, which to me makes the story all the funnier). We asked him. He said, "the word is fellatio and it means a cock-sucka" in his soft, Southern accent. I've never forgotten that and often tell this story.

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